
Showing posts from December, 2019

Top Benefits Of Hiring Patrol Security Services

Sacramento ranks sixth in property crime  in California, according to Sacramento Police reports and the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting standard.  Every business faces a tremendous amount of risk when it comes to physical security . Hence, it’s critical to hire professional security to keep their premises safe and secure. While watch guards are a great choice, pairing them with patrol security services is a better choice. Patrol security guards keep your business premises secure, patrolling in vehicles or on foot, monitoring surveillance, and looking out for suspicious activities.  They can also guard access points and deny entry to individuals who are identified as a threat.  Usually, the patrol security guards cover a specific area using both random and scheduled routes. When paired with on-site guards, they can ensure top-notch security for your business. Each of their patrols is recorded via GPS and time-stamp to ensure maximum safety. Here are the top three